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アリシア レインズ バース



2121 N. Pearl Street
Suite 700
Dallas, TX 75201


11 S. Meridian St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204

P 214-258-4105

F 214-258-4199








現在は、米国商務省の任命により、中国深センのZTE(Zhongxing Telecommunications Equipment CorporationとZTEKangxun Telecommunications Ltd)の対米輸出管理コンプライアンスの監視、評価、報告を行う特別コンプライアンス・コーディネーターのチームに所属している。


The National Black Lawyers, Top 40 Under 40, Texas, 2019-2021

The Best Lawyers in America, Ones to Watch, 2021-2025

Texas Super Lawyers Rising Star, 2022-2024

The National Black Lawyers

  • An Indianapolis, Indiana, jury reached a unanimous verdict in favor of firm client, a life insurance company, in a trial in which the company was accused of improperly applying an exclusion on a life insurance policy. The six-day trial included wide-ranging scientific evidence and testimony related to the insured’s activities and death. The verdict saved the company more than $1 million.
  • Barnes & Thornburg attorneys defended a major credit card issuer in a nationwide antitrust class action arising from the shift from magnetic strip to EMV chip technology in credit cards. Plaintiffs claimed our client conspired with credit card networks and other issuing banks to shift liability for certain fraudulent credit card charges from the issuing banks to merchants accepting Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit cards, the so-called October 2015 “liability shift.” Plaintiffs filed a class action complaint in the Northern District of California on behalf of merchants unable to accept EMV chip cards, seeking damages and injunctive relief under federal and state antitrust laws.

    The court denied plaintiffs’ request for a preliminary injunction, and our client, along with the credit card networks and the other issuing banks, filed motions to dismiss the complaint. After briefing and oral arguments on the motions, the court permitted plaintiffs to amend their complaint before ruling. Barnes & Thornburg then argued to plaintiffs’ counsel how our client’s facts would not be favorable to their case, and plaintiffs voluntarily dismissed our client from the amended complaint.
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