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Nine Barnes & Thornburg Attorneys Earn Benchmark Litigation Recognition

The 2023 edition of Benchmark Litigation has named nine Barnes & Thornburg partners to its list of litigation stars and future stars for their work as distinguished litigation practitioners.

The nine attorneys and the areas of practice for which they are recognized are:


  • Scott J. Witlin, Labor and Employment Star


  • Mark Keenan, Labor and Employment Star


  • Terri L. Bruksch, Litigation Star
  • Paul B. Hunt, Future Star
  • John R. Maley, Litigation Star
  • Peter A. Morse Jr., Labor and Employment Star


  • Connie A. Lahn, Litigation Star

New Jersey

  • Michael C. Zogby, Future Star

Washington, D.C.

  • William R. “Billy” Martin, Litigation Star; Top 100 Trial Lawyers

Benchmark Litigation U.S. offers a definitive guide to the world’s leading litigation firms and lawyers. Researchers conduct extensive market analysis and interviews with litigators and their clients to identify the leading litigators and firms.

With more than 800 attorneys and other legal professionals, Barnes & Thornburg is one of the largest law firms in the country. The firm serves clients worldwide from offices in Atlanta, Boston, California, Chicago, Delaware, Indiana, Michigan, Minneapolis, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Philadelphia, Raleigh, Salt Lake City, Texas and Washington, D.C. For more information, visit us online at www.btlaw.com or on Twitter @BTLawNews.




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