His work in the intellectual property arena spans myriad technologies, products and industries, including polymeric coatings for beverage cans, LED systems, ultraviolet light disinfection technology, oil-and-gas technology, GPS guidance and autosteering systems, motors, pharmaceuticals, RFID cards, flash memory devices, and biological extracts.
Adam also maintains an active pro bono practice. Recently, he led the briefing and successfully argued the appeal in a precedent setting case in Illinois regarding the Freedom of Information Act.
He regularly lectures on patent related issues. In particular, he has spoken about U.S. patent infringement litigation for the Japan Intellectual Property Association for the last several years.
Before turning to private practice, Adam was an engineer with Bechtel Bettis, Inc. and Walsh Construction Co.
University of Notre Dame Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, William D. Manly Award for Excellence in Materials Research, 2005