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Barnes & Thornburg Intellectual Property Attorneys Earn Recognition In World Trademark Review 1000

Several Barnes & Thornburg attorneys have been recognized in the 2021 World Trademark Review 1000 (WTR 1000). The rankings are considered the definitive guide to trademark professionals around the world.

In addition to the firm receiving national recognition and regional rankings in Illinois, Indiana and Minnesota the following individuals have been named:

  • Robert E. Browne - Illinois
  • Michael A. Carrillo – Illinois 
  • John A. Cullis - Illinois
  • Christopher M. Dolan – Illinois
  • Jonathan P. Froemel – Illinois
  • Julia Spoor Gard – Indiana
  • John T. Gabrielides – Illinois
  • Patrick J. Gallagher – Minneapolis
  • Philip A. Jones - Illinois
  • Joseph D. Lewis – Washington, D.C. 
  • Dwight D. Lueck – Indiana
  • Kenneth D. Suzan – Minneapolis

World Trademark Review is the world's only independent daily news and information service devoted to reporting on trademark issues for in-house and international legal counsel. The WTR 1000 research directory identifies the firms and individuals that are deemed outstanding in their critical area of practice with research being conducted over a four-month period, inclusive of in-person interviews with trademark and legal specialists across the world. 

With more than 700 attorneys and other legal professionals, Barnes & Thornburg is one of the largest law firms in the country. The firm serves clients worldwide from offices in Atlanta, Boston, California, Chicago, Delaware, Indiana, Michigan, Minneapolis, New York, Ohio, Raleigh, Salt Lake City, Texas and Washington, D.C. For more information, visit us online at www.btlaw.com or on Twitter @BTLawNews.




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