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During this webinar, labor attorneys David Pryzbylski and David Weldon will discuss recent developments at the NLRB, changes on the horizon, and how the NLRB’s pro-labor shift affects all employers, not just those with union workforces.

President Biden has repeatedly pledged to be the most pro-labor president in history, and his new appointees to the NLRB are wasting no time in trying to make good on that promise. Meanwhile, unions are ramping up their efforts to organize workers and increase their member numbers. Hot topics to be covered include:

  • Employee handbooks and policies
  • Protected concerted activity
  • Employee use of employer email systems,
  • Weingarten rights for nonunion employees
  • Independent contractors
  • Union elections

We hope you can join us for this timely and important discussion that will help employers quickly get up to speed and identify practical strategies to stay out of the NLRB’s and unions’ crosshairs.

1.0 hour CLE credit pending and 1.0 hour of HRCI credit approved. This program is valid for 1.0 PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.

Questions? Email Lindsay Hulliberger or call 312-214-5661.

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