The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (fiscal cliff legislation) provides for an extension of 50 percent bonus depreciation through the end of 2013. The deadline for 100 percent bonus depreciation was not extended.
Basically, qualified property acquired by a taxpayer and placed in service before Jan. 1, 2014 will be entitled to 50 percent bonus depreciation.
“Certain aircraft” or “long-production period property” may qualify for 50 percent bonus depreciation even if they are placed in service in 2014.
The above is intended only for your information and should not be considered as legal advice. For more information regarding the issues described in this document, please contact Clifford G. Maine, Aviation Attorney, (616) 742-3944, e-mail address:
TAX ADVICE NOTICE: Tax advice, if any, contained in this e-mail does not constitute a “reliance opinion” as defined in IRS Circular 230 and may not be used to establish reasonable reliance on the opinion of counsel for the purpose of avoiding the penalty imposed by Section 6662A of the Internal Revenue Code. The firm provides reliance opinions only in formal opinion letters containing the signature of a partner.
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