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ナオミ Y. クワン



11 S. Meridian St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204

P 317-231-7545

F 317-231-7433








弁護士以前には、シンガポールのグローバル企業でのビジネス経験を持ち、経済開発庁の人的資源部門責任者、物流業界マネージメント部門シニアオフィサー、KPMG Advisory Servicesではビジネス戦略、パフォーマンスマネージメントに関するシニアアソシエートを務めた。National Trade Union Congress(全国労働会議)企業開発部門ではシニアエグゼクティブを務めた。


Professional and Community Involvement

Board member, Conner Prairie

Member, Conner Prairie Governance Committee

Immediate past-chair and board member, Immigrant Welcome Center

Past-chair and board member, America China Society of Indiana

Board member, Good News for the Nations

Member, American Bar Association

Member, Indianapolis Bar Association


The Best Lawyers in America, Ones to Watch, 2021-2025

The Legal 500’s Private Practice M&A Powerlist: USA 2024


Represents various companies headquartered in the Greater China region with respect to their investments into the U.S., including:

  • A publicly traded Chinese medical diagnostics company in its $200 million acquisition of U.S. company and continued to serve as client’s U.S. counsel with respect to its U.S. investments
  • Another publicly traded Chinese medical diagnostics company in its strategic investment into a U.S. early stage biomedical company
  • A privately held Chinese company in the leisure and outdoor equipment sector in its planned acquisition of California customer, and continued as corporate counsel for client’s U.S. affiliate and subsidiary

Represents various companies headquartered in the Greater China region with respect to their U.S. operations, including:

  • In the issuance of legal due diligence reports on U.S. wholly-owned or partially-owned subsidiaries in support of clients’ IPO efforts or public company restructuring efforts in China
  • A state-owned Chinese company in the automotive sector for corporate and employment matters
  • A privately held Chinese company in the advanced aluminum sector for corporate and employment matters, corporate

Other representative experience for non-Chinese clients:

  • Represented U.S. client in the sale auction of a $70 million data center business to a private-equity backed buyer
  • Represented U.S. client in the sale auction of a $100 million SaaS business to a private-equity backed buyer
  • Represented U.S. client in its various acquisitions of independent sales representatives businesses
  • Represented Japanese client in its acquisition of various equipment dealers in the U.S.
  • Represented U.S. client, in the energy sector, in its sale of various assets
  • Represented U.S. client in its refinancing of over $100 million in debt facility
  • Represented Fortune 500 U.S. client in its various acquisitions of equipment dealers in the U.S.
  • Represented U.S. client in multiple rounds of fund raising with investors related to investments in real estate
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