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Partner Tina Dorr Named President of the Georgia Asian Pacific American Bar Association

Tina Dorr, an intellectual property partner in the firm’s Atlanta office, was named president of the Georgia Asian Pacific American Bar Association (GAPABA) at the organization’s Lunar New Year Banquet on Feb. 9, 2023. A member since 2019, Dorr served as co-chair of the organization’s Women’s Leadership Network Committee in 2020 and 2021 and president-elect in 2022. 

As president, Dorr kicked off her term hosting GAPABA members at Barnes & Thornburg’s Atlanta office. In honor of GAPABA’s 30th anniversary, she sets out to accomplish big goals for the organization, including an inaugural retreat for the board of directors, increasing mentorship opportunities, helping define a holistic vision and execution plan for the organization, and continuing to support and advocate for the interests of GAPABA’s rapidly growing membership.




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