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Jay H. Knight

Securities and Capital Markets Co-Chair


Jay H. Knight

Securities and Capital Markets Co-Chair

Register early for the Public Company Shareholder Engagement Summit.

Co-hosted by Barnes & Thornburg, Vanderbilt Law School’s Law and Business Program, and Vanderbilt University’s Hans Stoll Financial Markets Research Center, this complimentary event will feature a fireside chat with SEC Commissioner Mark Uyeda, and an invigorating lineup of speakers, relevant topics, and invaluable networking opportunities.

Panel topics include:

  • Impact of the 2024 Proxy Season on Off-Season Engagement
  • Recent Developments in Shareholder Activism
  • Looking Ahead to 2025: SEC Regulations, Enforcement and More

This complimentary summit will include a networking cocktail reception. The agenda and full slate of presenters will be sent later this summer. This program is also offered as a live webcast.

CLE credit pending.

Questions? Email Amy Kintz or call 574-237-1140.

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