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Cary Reiss

Cary M. Reiss


New York

390 Madison Avenue
12th Floor
New York, NY 10017-2509

P 646-746-2013

F 646-746-2001

Cary Reiss advises hedge funds, broker-dealers, investment banks and other financial institutions on agreements related to clients’ ongoing business operations. Cary leverages his private practice and in-house experience to achieve clients’ business objectives in sophisticated business transactions.


Cary Reiss advises hedge funds, broker-dealers, investment banks and other financial institutions on agreements related to clients’ ongoing business operations. Cary leverages his private practice and in-house experience to achieve clients’ business objectives in sophisticated business transactions.

Drawing on his experience as former general counsel of the U.S. and international division of Canada’s largest transportation company, Cary represents businesses of all sizes in the U.S. and Canada. He counsels clients on a range of agreements, including non-disclosure and confidentiality, consulting, and vendor, along with software licenses and other operations contracts.

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