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Ana Verduzco


Ana Verduzco: I Am Barnes & Thornburg

I AM...

  • An anchor baby and proud daughter of Mexican immigrants; that has made me very passionate about my culture and an advocate for Latinas to have a seat at every table
  • The youngest of seven, living a real-life telenovela or Tyler Perry movie
  • A woman of faith with a servant’s heart – big on being kind, mindful and making people feel heard and seen
  • Married to my best friend, the only Juan for me, and crushing the "geriatric-mom" game having our first-born son, Joaquin, in my late 30s
  • A lover of all things art – museums, movies, photography, poetry, painting, and music (forever a Tupac fan and ’90s alternative girl)
  • An antique, vintage and thrift store junkie
  • A taco and cookie monster – although, I am an overall foodie and snack queen
  • A world traveler and adventurer – I have visited 17 countries and five continents
  • A self-proclaimed comedian – I believe laughter is the best medicine
  • A hippie at heart. I wholeheartedly believe in peace and love and, of course, love nature.

This profile appeared in the September 2023 edition of I Am Barnes & Thornburg.

View the full publication.



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