Ghosts & Crystal Balls: Employment Law & EPLI Update
Please join Barnes & Thornburg and Aon Risk Solutions for an in-depth discussion of the key labor and employment issues that occurred in 2014, what employers should anticipate in 2015, and how to prepare for the unexpected with best employment practices and Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) coverage. This informative seminar is designed for business owners, CFO’s, in-house counsel, risk managers and HR professionals and will include presentations from our experts on the following:
Labor & Employment Law Update
- U.S Supreme Court decisions and pending decisions in 2014-2015
- EEOC’s enforcement activity, including, among other things, pregnancy discrimination, hiring and background checks, religious and disability accommodation
- Wage and hour claims as well as OSHA whistleblower claims by the Department of Labo
- The National Labor Relations Board’s recent decisions and rules, including social media, email usage and significant changes to the election proces
EPLI Market Update
- The best EPLI markets based on class of risk
- Premium trends
- Available coverage terms in some of the key areas of the EPLI product
- Definitions
- Choice of counsel and control of defense
- Settlement authority
- Claim noticing requirement
- Severability clauses
- Arbitration clauses
- Availability of broad wage & hour coverage
- What exposure trends keep underwriters up at night
- How best to prepare for the underwriting renewal/purchase process based on those underwriter fears
When: Jan. 15
Time: 11:30 - noon (Central) Registration | noon - 3 p.m. Program
Where: The Grand Hotel Minneapolis | Grand Ballroom 5th Floor | 615 2nd Avenue South | Minneapolis, MN
- Tom Hams
Managing Director - Jennifer Thorpe
Regional Managing Director
- Tina Syring
- Chris Yetka
- Keith White
- David Ritter
- John Meyers
This luncheon program is offered compliments of Barnes & Thornburg's Labor and Employment Law Department and Aon Risk Solutions.