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Brian Jarman


Brian Jarman: I Am Barnes & Thornburg

I AM...

  • Married to my husband, Joey. We wed on July 21, 2020.  
  • Expecting our first child in August via surrogacy
  • A co-chair of BTPride, the firm’s LGBTQ+ Talent Resource Group
  • Originally from a small rural town in Indiana that was so small it had no stoplight
  • A Purdue alumnus but I am also a dedicated IU basketball fan!  
  • A gardener, Corvette enthusiast, and a vacationer by cruise ship 
  • A dog lover who has a very snuggly pitty, Rose  
  • A partner in the IP department and work primarily as a patent attorney
  • On the board of the Damien Center, Indiana’s largest non-profit dedicated to serving those with or at-risk of HIV
  • Someone who sees my therapist every month and it’s been one of my best decisions

This profile appeared in the June 2023 edition of I Am Barnes & Thornburg.

View the full publication.



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