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International Services

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COVID-19 is fundamentally affecting immigration to the United States and the management of immigration and employment verification processes. Join us for a presentation on the key immigration issues influenced by COVID-19. We will discuss: 

  • Remote operations and I-9 and E-Verify record management
  • Impact of COVID-19 on USCIS operations 
    • Rescheduling of interviews, biometrics, etc.
    • Suspension of premium processing and temporary acceptance of photocopied signatures
    • Shifting blanket L visas and TN visas to USCIS
  • Significance of layoffs, furloughs and reduced hours on H-1B status holders and other visa categories
  • Managing OPTs and H-1B workers during a remote employment period
  • H-1B lottery and expected timeline for results
  • Impact on consular visa operations and foreign nationals in the U.S. visas, and on the Visa Waiver Program and ESTA
  • Movement of people across the southern and northern U.S. borders
  • Continuing repercussions of COVID-19 on immigration 

1.5 hour CLE credit pending. This program is valid for 1.5 PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® 

Questions? Contact Siara Reyes at sreyes@btlaw.com or 317-231-7211. 

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