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Deborah Pollack Milgate

Deborah Pollack-Milgate

Vice-Chair of the European Practice Group
Mark Crandley

Mark J. Crandley

Appeals and Critical Motions Co-Chair


Deborah Pollack Milgate

Deborah Pollack-Milgate

Vice-Chair of the European Practice Group
Mark Crandley

Mark J. Crandley

Appeals and Critical Motions Co-Chair

On Dec. 14, the Appeals and Critical Motions and Government Litigation practice groups held their annual Dual Litigation Seminar in the Indianapolis office, with video conference feeds to attendees in the South Bend and Fort Wayne offices. The appellate law portion of the program provided a succinct and practical update on developments in Indiana and federal appellate practice. Presenters Brian Casey of the South Bend office and Deborah Pollack-Milgate, Caitlin Schroeder and Peter Rusthoven of the Indianapolis office discussed cases across a variety of practice areas, speculated on what's to come in 2018 and provided an ethics update. The government litigation update provided information on developments that impact local governments, including modernization, technology and public records, employment law and ethics. Presenters were Mark Crandley, Brendan Miller, Jackie Gessner and Hillary Close of the Indianapolis office. Following the program, attendees took part in the Indianapolis Litigation on Tap reception.


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